Are You Channeling Your Creations Yet? Why We Chose a Newsletter

Greetings Family,

As we stand on the brink of a new year, filled with possibilities and new beginnings, we are thrilled to unveil our series of monthly mantras designed to inspire, challenge, and transform. But before we dive into this journey, it's important for us to share the genesis of our newsletter – a tool we believe can profoundly influence how you approach design choices in your life and creations.

Why, after three years of sculpting and nurturing an audience of over 260,000 followers, do we choose to add on a newsletter to the repertoire? The answer lies in three transformative catalysts that reshaped our vision and approach.

Let’s unravel the story together, in hopes that it will not only illuminate the path we've taken but also shed new light on your own life and creative pursuits.

🌱 Catalyst #1: Becoming Clear Channels for Creation

At the heart of our newsletter lies a profound understanding: the way we interact with information is not just a process, but a form of alchemy. This newsletter was born from a realization that aligning our natural modes of receiving and expressing information can transform us from mere creators into channels of creation.

Information, in its vast spectrum, is the lifeblood of creativity. Imagine it as an electrical pulse in the metaphysical realm, constantly shaping and reshaping our thoughts, emotions, and intuitions. It's the raw material of creation, waiting to be molded.

The Sacred Union of Expressing and Receiving

This journey begins with understanding the dual nature of our interaction with information: expressing (masculine) and receiving (feminine). When these two are in harmony, we tap into "flow state" - a sacred space where we are no longer the sculptors of creation but the conduit for it.

Receiving Information: It's not just through the five traditional senses; we also receive through meta-senses, opening doors to unseen worlds. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience, among others, allow us to perceive beyond the physical realm, offering a richer palette of inspiration.

Expressing Information: Our expression is equally diverse. From the precision of literal symbolism through writing to the abstract language of art and music, each form is a unique translation of our inner experiences.

The Three Paths of Interaction

  1. Reacting: Often unconscious, it's our immediate expression based on received information.
  2. Responding: This is a conscious choice in expression, shaped by thoughtful processing of information.
  3. Channeling: The pinnacle of creation, where receiving and expressing information happen in unison, effortlessly and intuitively.

Our Journey: A Case Study in Symbiosis

For Cam and I, understanding our individual and collective modes has been transformative. While I find clarity and flow in the written word, Cam's strengths lie more in the artistic visual expression. Recognizing and respecting our unique channels has been vital in creating a harmonious partnership. This synergy of diverse modes enriches our collaboration and amplifies our creative output.

This is more than a practice; it's a journey towards becoming a channel for creation. It's about finding that sweet spot where your natural modes of receiving and expressing information align perfectly, allowing creativity to flow through you.

πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Reflection and Action:

  • πŸ”Ž Reflect on your own modes of receiving and expressing information. How do they shape your creative process?
  • πŸ”Ž Consider how aligning these modes can transform your role from a creator to a channel of creation.
  • πŸš€ Develop Your Meta-Senses: Dedicate time to mindful meditation, focusing on enhancing your metaphysical senses like clairvoyance (clear seeing) and clairaudience (clear hearing). This practice can heighten your sensitivity to non-physical forms of perception, enriching your personal and creative life.

🌱 Catalyst #2: The Power of Words to Sculpt Visions into Reality

The creation of this newsletter is anchored in a profound, growth-oriented truth: language is not just a tool for communication; it's the very bedrock of our creative universe.

The Power of the Written Word

In my case, writing has always been more than a mere expression; it's a method to give structure to the nebulous realm of ideas. It's my way of capturing the fleeting and translating it into something tangible and enduring. "In the beginning was the Word," so the ancient wisdom goes. In every word we write, there's an intention, an energy that brings ideas into a shared reality.

When we articulate an idea through language, it undergoes a metamorphosis. From a mere thought, it becomes a shared vision, understandable and relatable. In our mission to elevate personal and planetary wellness, language has been a core compass, guiding us in creating content that resonates and inspires.

The Synergy of Written and Visual Language

Our newsletter will evolve to form the bedrock of our content strategy. From these written words, we branch out into myriad forms - video scripts, podcast episodes, products, and more. It's here that the magic of synergy comes alive. My natural resonance with writing meets Cam's prowess in abstract art. Together, we create a symphony of words and visuals, each enhancing the other. The base of language acts as a catalyst, sparking ideas that are visually interpreted, enriching our video content and beyond.

This interplay of language and visuals is a dance of clarity and creativity. Words lay the foundation, setting the tone and direction, while visual art adds depth, emotion, and universal appeal. This combination is powerful, allowing us to communicate complex ideas in an engaging and accessible way.

We invite you to take note of this in our upcoming content. As you engage with our words and visuals, consider how language and your preferred mode of expression can intertwine to elevate your own creative endeavors.

πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Reflection and Action:

  • πŸ”Ž Think about how language plays a role in your creative process. How can you harness its power to crystallize your ideas and visions?
  • πŸ”Ž Explore the synergy between your dominant mode of expression and the written word. How can they complement each other to enhance your creative output?
  • πŸš€ Embrace the practice of Automatic Writing: Find a quiet moment, sit with pen and paper, clear your mind, and allow your thoughts to flow freely onto the page. Without judgment or guidance, let the words manifest spontaneously.

Language, in its essence, is a bridge - connecting minds, hearts, and visions. As we traverse this bridge together, we open up a world where ideas are not just shared but experienced, leading us to new heights of understanding and creation.

🌱 Catalyst #3: Nurturing Non-Algorithmic Connections in a Digital World

In the evolving landscape of content creation, understanding the nuances of distribution strategies is more than a tactical decision – it's a reflection of our values and vision for genuine community building.

The Illusion of Social Media Reach and The Power of Owned Media

Social media, often perceived as the backbone of modern communication, presents a deceptive narrative. Despite our follower count, we've recognized a fundamental truth: social media platforms, governed by ever-changing algorithms, are designed more for engagement than for connection. The relationship we have with our audience here is often transient and superficial, not the deep-rooted community we aspire to create.

This realization brought us to a pivotal shift: the focus on owned distribution channels like this newsletter. Unlike the unpredictable tides of social media, a newsletter offers a harbor of stability and directness. It is here that we can communicate without filters, algorithms, or the fleeting nature of online trends.

Building a True Community

The term "community" has been loosely used in the context of social media. However, we understand that a true community isn't just a collection of followers; it's a space for meaningful interaction and shared growth. This newsletter represents our commitment to cultivating such a space, where every word reaches you not by chance, but by choice.

Prioritizing owned distribution channels like newsletters is going to become integral to our strategy for sustainable growth and authentic connection. Here, we are not just broadcasting messages into the void but engaging in a two-way conversation with a community that shares our values and vision.

πŸ§˜πŸ½β€β™€οΈ Reflection and Action:

  • πŸ”Ž Consider the role of owned distribution channels in your creative ventures. How can they augment your connection with your audience?
  • πŸ”Ž Reflect on the nature of your current audience engagements. Are they surface-level interactions fostered by algorithms or genuine connections?
  • πŸš€ Explore an Owned Distribution Strategy: This includes various methods, such as newsletters facilitated by ConvertKit and BeeHiiv, as well as community platforms like Circle and Mighty Networks. It's important to note that with community platforms, much like social media, you essentially 'rent' the platform and cannot easily transfer to another. In contrast, newsletters are platform agnostic, allowing you to seamlessly move your mailing list across platforms as needed.

As we navigate the complexities of digital communication, our focus remains clear: to build a community grounded in authenticity and mutual respect. This newsletter isn't just a platform for sharing our ideas; it's a bridge connecting us to you, fostering a dialogue that transcends the limitations of algorithm-driven platforms.

Embarking on a Year of Transformation

With these three foundational pillars, we commit to bringing you a newsletter that's not just informative, but transformative. Our goal? To provide actionable insights for the conscious creator, insights that empower us to collectively forge a new paradigm in creation, one where wellness takes center stage.

Now that we've shared the catalysts behind our journey, let’s shift our gaze to the horizon of this new year. It's time to make it our most impactful yet.

Throughout my experience working with a myriad of creators, I've noticed a common thread - a challenge that we've faced too - the struggle to maintain focus. This realization has led us to choose a guiding mantra for January: β€œDo Less Well.” These three words, simple yet profound, encapsulate a principle that promises to elevate our creative endeavors throughout 2024. Over the next three editions, we will delve into this mantra, exploring its depth and application.

As we embark on this journey together, we invite you to share this adventure. If you know fellow creators who would resonate with and benefit from these insights, please forward this newsletter to them. Let’s expand our community of like-minded individuals, all dedicated to growing and creating with intention.

Here’s to a year of focused creativity and meaningful growth!


With Love,



P.S. You Yin Yang Livin, yet?