The real key to an abundant life is... [drum roll]

This is a shot from our visit to Hong Kong, where I met Cameron's father for the first time, receiving his blessing in our marriage (coming June 15th) and getting deeper context on where and how my fiancee and co-founder grew up. Now we're 3 days into being back from our 3-month cross-continental pre-marital "FunnyMoon".

After a transformative three-month journey through diverse ecosystems and cultures, we’ve returned to the tranquil mountains of western North Carolina. This adventure brought us fresh inspiration and profound insights, like an OS update for my mind, body, and spirit. Now, grounded and invigorated, we're back, ready to seize the moment.

Each year, we choose a one-word intention as our guiding star. This year, it’s "Consistency." Initially, I felt guilt for not always embodying this ideal. But I soon remembered that an intention isn’t a checkbox; it’s a journey of exploration to be unraveled over time.

Let’s flow together this month as we delve into the power of consistency to generate compound returns in our lives. Let's transform it from a lofty ideal into a daily practice that shapes our lives.

The Twin Forces Shaping Our Reality 🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏾

Two forces shape our reality the most: ecosystems and habits.

Ecosystems: The natural landscape, elements, biodiversity, and the people we surround ourselves with, both physically and digitally, form a complex ecosystem that impacts our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Habits: Our daily routines and behaviors set the foundation for our well-being and success. These include how we eat, sleep, engage with digital media, and how we start and end our days.

One key insight from our travels: motion fuels inspiration, while stability fosters creation.

It’s challenging to be consistent in flux, yet new environments and stimuli sharpen ideas and diversify perspectives. Stability, like our mountain home, offers routine and rootedness, enabling consistent effort.

By balancing these forces—embracing inspiration from motion and creation from stability—we can harness consistency to transform our lives.

This Month’s Mantra: Compound With Consistency 🏔️

Understanding Compound Interest:

  • Against You: When you have credit card debt, each month you owe more than before because interest gets added to what you already owe. Next month, you pay interest on the new, higher amount, making your debt grow faster.
  • For You: With savings or investments, each month you earn interest on what you have saved. The next month, you earn interest on the new, larger amount, making your savings grow faster. The more you have, the more you earn, and this keeps increasing over time.

Imagine a small snowball rolling downhill, picking up more snow and growing larger. Compounding works similarly: small, consistent additions lead to exponential growth over time.

The Role of Consistency:

Consistency is about creating reliable patterns that support our goals. It’s the discipline to show up repeatedly and the mindfulness to love the process. Consistency helps by:

  • Building Momentum: Regular, small efforts accumulate significantly over time.
  • Establishing Trust: Showing up consistently builds reliability and trust.
  • Creating Mastery: Repeated practice leads to skill enhancement and deeper understanding.

Bringing It Together: Compound With Consistency

Consistency enables us to generate compound returns. By consistently applying effort, we set a new baseline for growth, ensuring each step forward builds on the last.

This month's mantra: Compound With Consistency. Use consistent actions to harness compounding power. Whether in personal habits, relationships, or professional endeavors, steady effort leads to exponential growth and profound transformation.

Consistency Compounding Across Health, Biz, & Relationships 📈

Relationships: Consistency in character builds security and trust. When we show up reliably, our partners feel safe, fostering deeper truthfulness, joy, and growth.

Business: Entrepreneurship requires discipline and accountability. True gains come from consistent pursuit of purpose, building on each success to set new growth baselines.

Wellness: Our health is shaped by daily habits. Consistent healthy actions lead to improved mind, body, and spirit.

P.S. On this front, we're going to launching a Community Yin Yang Livin Challenge soon! So if you want to recalibrate daily habits to align with natural cycles and activate our creative potential, all as a collective, holding each other accountable, stay tuned.

Intention vs. Ignorance 😎

Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results." Intentional consistency involves iteration. Identify effective actions, be consistent with them, learn from the process, and refine your approach.

By embracing intentional consistency, we generate compound returns in every aspect of our lives. Commit to showing up consistently, learning along the way, and watch your efforts compound into significant growth and transformation.

Looking Forward 🌅

Consistency is a muscle to be trained. It’s been our most important tool, enabling us to grow Groove with Gaia. Intentional consistency has been key.

In the next edition, we’ll share practical applications. Learn how we went from 0 to 300,000 followers, streamlined our products, and created peace of mind in our dharmic venture—all through intentional consistency. Stay tuned for insights and inspiration to bring more compound returns into your life!

Thanks for being here. We’re on the brink of launching Groove2.0 and are excited to share it with you.

Blessings from the mountains,


P.S. We deeply appreciate any feedback you may have on our newsletter (it will take you just 1 minute), to help us continue to make it better for you.