We're so out of balance, it's not even funny.

Aloha Family,

I am writing you from the lush embrace of Costa Rica's jungle, enveloped in a chorus of insects, monkeys, and birds.

These sounds are a vivid reminder of the interconnected symphony we're part of, underscoring a profound truth: our perceived separation has led us down a path of deep disconnection and imbalance.

Yet, it's within our power, as pioneers of a new era, to forge a different path.

In this edition, we dive into the essence of "Flow with Cycles," building upon our understanding of our intrinsic cyclical nature. We’ll explore the practical implications of this mantra for us as creators and entrepreneurs dedicated to meaningful service.

This isn’t just about acknowledging natural rhythms but about integrating their wisdom and medicine into our daily practices.

Before we get into it... we come with gifts!

As a token of gratitude for your journey with us, we're thrilled to offer two resources designed to support your cyclical living and creation process:

  • FREE Yin Yang Livin eBook: Yin Yang Livin is all about balancing the Yin (feminine) and Yang (masculine) energies in our lives, to find a harmony that purifies our vessel and unlocks our creative potential. Dive into this free resource to discover practices for overcoming non-serving habits and accessing your most connected creative portal.
  • FREE 1:1 Dharmic Venture Workshop: Transform your unique calling into scalable impact and sustainable income. This free workshop is the essence of 12 years of dedicated work, now available to help you amplify your unique medicine. We get into the dharma of what you’re creating and the path of service you’re walking, putting the systems and practices in place to building an impactful venture that feels organic.

This is a sneak peek of Groove2.0 and we're excited to hear your thoughts and experiences with these offerings. Together, let's redefine creation and entrepreneurship, embracing our natural rhythms and cycles for a life of fulfillment, impact, and true abundance.

Ok... back to the mantra.

The Call for Oscillation

Cycles are core to the source code of life. Yet, the default mode of our working lives ignores this, pushing us to maintain a continuous, unchanging pace.

This old paradigm leaves us feeling depleted, disconnected, and ultimately dissatisfied.

We're now stepping into a new paradigm that respects our natural cycles, and through this we find better outcomes and a more fulfilling creative process.

Cycles are defined by phases, each with its unique characteristics and purpose. Oscillation is the process of moving through these phases in a balanced and rhythmic manner.

Just as the universe expands and contracts, we sleep and wake, and inhale and exhale moment to moment - these principles of the pendulum govern our natural order and are necessary for balance.

Three Key Creative Oscillations

That said, I want to share three key oscillations that have been essential for driving better outcomes and enriching our process, in hopes that this inspires new and better ways for you to fully show-up for the life you're architecting:

1. Doing and Being

The phase of Doing represents our active, outward-focused efforts, where we are in creation mode, executing tasks, and pushing projects forward. It's characterized by action, productivity, and tangible results. However, to balance this, we must equally value the Being phase, where stillness, reflection, and rest prevail. This phase is not about inactivity but about allowing space for our deepest insights and ideas to surface. It's a time for recharge and inspiration, acknowledging that some of the most profound work happens when we seemingly 'do' nothing.

2. Digital and Analog

Our modern lives are deeply entrenched in the Digital phase, with constant connectivity, digital tools, and virtual interactions shaping much of our work and social lives. While this phase offers immense possibilities for creation, communication, and distribution, it's crucial to balance it with the Analog phase. This phase is about reconnecting with the tactile and tangible aspects of our existence—engaging with the physical world, our bodies, and the environment. It's a reminder to embrace our humanity, fostering creativity and wholeness by periodically unplugging from the digital matrix.

3. Planning and Execution

The Planning phase is where we strategize, set intentions, and outline the steps towards our goals. It's a critical phase that provides direction and clarity, ensuring our actions are aligned with our broader objectives. However, this phase must be balanced with Execution, where plans are put into action. Execution is about making decisions, taking steps forward, and adapting as necessary. It's the manifestation of our planning, bringing our vision to life through concrete actions.

By honoring these, we open up the space to experience the ripest fruit of life.

No more burnout. It’s time to fill up, so we can truly be of sacred service.

With gratitude and anticipation for what we’re co-creating,


P.S. We deeply appreciate any feedback you may have on our newsletter (it will take you just 1 minute), to help us continue to make it better for you.