The Manifestation Secret that Hippies Left Out

Aloha Family,

Welcome to Part 2 of our 3-part series.

In our last edition, we established that attention is our most valuable finite resource, increasingly sought after by others.

For us creators and entrepreneurs, the next logical question is:

“How should I best allocate my attention?”

The short answer is prioritization.

“But how do I do that?”

Let’s dive in.

👁️ The New Rich: Autonomy Over Attention

Focus and presence are precious, with attention being the cornerstone of both.

But remember, if you don’t choose your attention's direction, you lose it.

This means if you don’t choose your morning routine, someone else will. If you don’t choose your purpose, it will be assigned to you. Countless devices, agendas, and individuals are vying for any bit of attention you can spare.

It’s all too easy to fall into a loop of perpetual reactivity, which is precisely how not to live our best life. Proactively allocating this finite, quantifiable resource is crucial.

Money has traditionally been the scoreboard for wealth due to its calculable nature and mutually understood value. However, the greater contentment seen in less economically developed countries compared to the affluent U.S. challenges money as the metric for true abundance.

While money doesn’t buy happiness, it does buy options - and ironically, those same options can make us less happy (depending on the person). With mental health now coming online for us humans, we’re beginning to understand what real wealth and luxury entail.

Ultimately, we all seek more money to gain autonomy over our attention. Earning money is like modern hunting; the less we worry about it, the more autonomy we feel.

🔋 Energy Efficiency is Embedded in the Source Code

Bears in our neighborhoods go for the easiest food, the "lowest hanging fruit." This quest for energy efficiency is natural for all beings.

For humans, though, our created distractions often impede this efficiency. The concept of entropy suggests that systems naturally drift towards chaos without intentional maintenance. Many entrepreneurs and creators I work with have grand visions but lack organization in achieving their goals, often without clearly defined objectives.

The lesson? We need to find energy efficiency in our lives. We have limited attention to allocate, and it should go towards actions aligned with our desired lives, ventures, and relationships. High-value, high-leverage actions have the most optimal impact-to-effort ratio.

Prioritization is key, given our finite attention.

Achieving more isn’t about spreading ourselves thin, but about building leverage and focusing on fewer, more impactful tasks. When you consider all the non-work-related activities vying for our attention, it becomes clear how much we might be self-sabotaging by fragmenting our focus.

Focus and presence are muscles that strengthen with use. Initially challenging, they become indispensable once developed.

🧙🏽‍♀️ Manifesting with 100% Confidence

When deciding where to focus, start by defining objectives. Consider four pillars: health, wealth, relationships, and happiness.

Create very few objectives, as the more we have, the less likely we are to achieve any of them. This is the first layer of prioritization - honing in on what we are calling into our lives.

Pro tip: Don’t end up in a perpetual state of feeling spread too thin, a state I experienced for a decade of my life - I wouldn’t recommend it.

Understanding our goals—whether they’re life aspirations, product launches, income targets, relationship building, or skill development—is essential. Then, align intention with action.

This is where many new-agers fall short. Manifestation is not just about attracting desires through energetic signals; it’s a two-step process: attunement and aligned action.

Attunement involves setting objectives and clarifying visions. Attuning to the right frequency.

Aligned action means cultivating habits and processes that advance our attuned vision.

This is the best kept secret to manifesting with confidence: get clear on what you want, and take the necessary steps whilst aligned to the frequency.

🛠️ Four Simple Ways to Prioritize Options

So now that we know that we must first clarify what we want and set those objectives, the next step is prioritizing the actions needed to get there.

We've covered two layers of prioritization: one at the level of intention and the other at the level of action. Lastly, I’d like to provide some applicable ways to think about prioritizing in your life - because after all, this newsletter is about both attunement and aligned action - providing insights and perspective, paired with actionability.

Here are four simple ways to prioritize your options.

Disclaimer: For ANY of these to work, you MUST exercise your NO.

  1. Impact-to-Effort Ratio: Assess the impact of an action on objectives, users, or customers, and the effort required to complete it. This principle, originating from my product management background, helps allocate our finite attention to high-impact actions. It's all about optimizing leverage—the output for the input.
  2. MoSCoW Method: This framework, from my product work as well, categorizes product features as must-have, should-have, could-have, and won’t-have. It’s an effective way to prioritize essentials in product development and beyond, focusing attention where it’s most needed.
  3. The Fk Yes Method: A simple yet powerful approach: “if it’s not a f**k yes, it’s a no”. While challenging to implement due to the allure of shiny things, it emphasizes the importance of enthusiastic commitment. It's about striving for that resounding yes in our decisions.
  4. Intuition: This vital tool for prioritization is your intuition. Reliable for some but easily muddled with fleeting thoughts or desires for others, true intuition is a deep well of wisdom in our human nature. Harnessing it correctly can be a powerful ally in decision-making. Distinguishing genuine intuition from transient desires or confirmation biases is crucial. We often know the answer; our thoughts just entangle us in the matrix.

✨ Looking Forward

Doing less well involves taking on less and showing up fully. With our limited attention capacity, we must wisely allocate these resources.

Now that we understand our capacity is finite, it's clear we must prioritize it wisely to live in true abundance. Manifestation isn't merely about chanting mantras when the stars align; it requires aligned action, irrespective of cosmic conditions.

The final part of this month's mantra will focus on execution. Having learned how to "do less," the next step is mastering how to "do it well." How can we fully engage with our chosen priorities in a way that yields the greatest rewards? Ultimately, doing fewer things of our choice to completion fosters a life that is healthier, happier, wealthier, and more connected.

I look forward to the next one - 2 weeks from today, per usual.

Finally, I want to express deep gratitude for your attention and hope that this newsletter has provided you with a positive return on it. We always strive for that.

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Thank you for joining us on this journey. Until next time!

Bless Up,

Elijah 🌴

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