Step Into a New You, Over and Over Again

Aloha Family,

I'm writing this to you from my cousin's cozy kitchen in Los Angeles, on our way to Hong Kong. We're now fully re-engaged with our creations from our time away in Costa Rica.

Taking a break from all the doing to just be always opens my eyes in a new way, helping to see my life and what I create more clearly.

Last time, we talked about how knowledge is something you think about, and wisdom is something you live out. Now, let's explore how we apply this through practice.

๐Ÿœ Always Be Iterating

Like the operating system on your phone, both we and our creations are in a constant state of evolution. Reflecting on my journey, I recognize versions of myself, each an iteration improved from the last, embodying lessons learned and insights gained.

As a creator, iteration is our heartbeat; it transforms insights into higher versions of ourselves and our work. The core message here is simple: Always be iterating.

๐Ÿž The Power of Perspective

Perspective acts as the catalyst for iteration. It enriches our understanding, informs our choices, and ultimately shapes our reality. Every new experience, conversation, and piece of knowledge tweaks this perspective, fueling innovation and creativity.

In the inherent pursuit of our highest versions, nurturing a dynamic, ever-expanding perspective is key. Itโ€™s through this lens that we re-imagine, innovate, and elevate both our personal journey and our creative endeavors. Actively seek and remain open to new viewpoints.

๐ŸŒ 5 Practices for Integration

Integration transforms knowledge into wisdom, making it crucial for both personal growth and serving others. Here are five practices that have significantly aided our journey:

  1. Movement: Encodes insights into our very essence. Whether through dance or a morning run, movement solidifies our learnings.
  2. Silence: Creates a sanctuary for reflection. In stillness, we listen and allow wisdom to emerge.
  3. Feedback: Engages others in our process, enriching our perspective and creations.
  4. Automatic Writing: Connects us with our higher self, opening a direct channel for inner wisdom.
  5. Creation: Directly applying knowledge in our projects is the most tangible form of integration, turning insight into action.

May you find value in experimenting with these in your own life.

๐Ÿ Forward Together

Iโ€™m deeply grateful for your presence and engagement with this newsletter. Your feedback and reflections inspire continuous iteration and deeper connection.

The Conscious Creator is about acknowledging our role as architects of both our inner world and the shared reality. It's a commitment to service, guided by our inner voice and the calling of our soul.

If you take anything away from this monthโ€™s mantra, itโ€™s this:

  • Knowledge is only as useful as its integration, which is its becoming of Wisdom.
  • Perspective catalyzes iteration, seek experiences that expand your lens.
  • Always be iterating - there is always another version.

May we keep iterating and evolving, guided by the transformative power of perspective and the wisdom of integration.

And remember, you are magical.


Elijah ๐ŸŒด


P.S. We deeply appreciate any feedback you may have on our newsletter (it will take you just 1 minute), to help us continue to make it better for you.