It's Been a While, But We're Stronger Than Ever

Aloha from Hawaii!

It's been a while since we've connected, so I wanted to provide a few updates and let you know what's on the horizon. You'll definitely be hearing more from us moving forward (not too much though, we know how it goes), so continue reading to find out...

Life's been full, in all the ways. Here's a small glimpse of what we've been up to, covering 5 buckets to bring you up to speed:

#1 Marriage and Family Expansion 🫀

As some of you may have seen, we got engaged in February of this year in Costa Rica following a Vision Quest. Recently, we've devised a plan for how we want to mark this life milestone. In short, we're going to elope in Bali for a more intimate ceremony, which is where Cam and I met, and where Groove with Gaia began. In 2025, we're planning a larger gathering of family and friends. All the while, we've been diving into where and how we want to start expanding our family with our first child in 2024/2025.

#2 Restructuring Our Roadmap 🛣️

I've been navigating an evolution in other creative endeavors that is going to allow me to invest a lot more into Groove with Gaia with Cam. I've had a tension for so long around being spread across several company containers - running a venture studio alongside Groove with Gaia. Different teams, different structures, different tools - it all began to add up. In a determined drive for simplicity, the middle path revealed itself, and now Cam and I are in our most potent creation portal yet. And we have no intention of slowing down (until we have our baby, of course).

#3 Orca Climate Fund 🪸

We've been fortunate enough to become 2 of 5 managers of an investment fund supporting early-stage climate tech companies. It's the perfect melding of my deep background in tech, venture building, and impact, and Cam's deep background in ecology, biology, and conservation - it's been an incredible opportunity for us to deepen our work as stewards of a flourishing future.

Call to Action 🔊: If you or anyone you know is a climate innovator that is fundraising, have them apply here and have them flag Groove with Gaia as a referral so we know it came from the community.

#4 Yin Yang Livin ️

We just finished up our 30-day holistic wellness protocol for conscious creators that focuses on honoring the Yin and Yang energies to achieve our highest creative potential. We were inspired by our own way of living, noticing how different modern addictions were infiltrating the path to our highest version - we embarked on a quest to truly integrate better wellness habits into our lives and drop what isn't serving our highest and best good.

These past 30 days have been truly transformative, the perspective it's allowed for, the clarity that's been revealed, the flexibility in my body, the focus in my bones. Now, we are packaging up this 30-day program along with a book that Cam is writing to accompany it.

Call to Action 🔊: We are providing an early-bird discount to make 2024 the year that we actually make the changes that we're intending, to break the cycles of the mind, and step into health and harmony. Sign up here to be one of the first 333 that will get 60% off the first drop

#5 The Conscious Creator Newsletter 🪄

We've gotten the chance to meet some of you in different places around the world and realized just what an incredible community of humans we've magnetized. I've always seen content as a form of magnetism, and this past year has proved that in a major way.

It's hard to grasp when it's numbers and handles on a social media platform, so we're looking to provide more connection and support with you all. As part of that initiative, we are introducing The Conscious Creator newsletter, which will move through a Mantra of the Month - delivering a letter every other Wednesday (bi-weekly) with insight, provocation, and tools that will help you design your life around your dharma, aligning your emotional, physical, spiritual, and financial wellness in this evolving age of Aquarius, AI, and the Creator.

Here are a few mantras 🪷 to give a taste of what's coming:

  1. Do Less, Well: Mastering the Art of Focus and Prioritizing What Truly Matters to Achieve Results
  2. Open to Receive: Unlocking the Power of Receptivity to Harness the Guidance Available to You
  3. Find Your Flow: Discovering Work-Life Harmony and Balance Prosperity with Well-Being
  4. Aligned Actions Manifest: Aligning Your Actions with Your Deepest Aspirations

Call to Action 🔊: If there's anyone that comes to mind who you know is looking to dial-in and level-up, that is both conscious (intentional with their actions) and a creator (one who utilizes creativity to generate economic value), then do them a favor by forwarding this email and have them sign up here.

Lastly, we want to thank you all for vibing with us... 🙏🏾

...for picking up what we've been putting down, for approaching us as family when you see us in real life, and for sharing your love and light in this world. We have even more exciting stuff in the works that is going to empower more of us conscious creators to live in health, harmony, and prosperity. We are going to be sharing codes that unlock new perspectives, and offerings that will allow us to work together more intimately to create magic.

This community is a beacon of light that we want to harness and expand even further as we navigate uncertain and turbulent global waters. Sharing our deepest gratitude.

With Love,
