Intro to Cyclical Creation

“So, do you really feel different?”
“Yep! Don’t I act different?”
“Well, of course! But I’m curious about how it genuinely feels for you.”

This conversation with Cam opened the door to a deeper understanding of cyclical living.

Being in relationship has granted me greater empathy in the difference of our lived experience.

The male cycles with the sun, the female cycles with the sun and the moon - moving through menstrual, follicular, ovulation, and luteal phases that correspond to the waxing and waning of the moon.

Get this...

For Cam, she’s simultaneously in relation to a vast array of cycles:

  • The atomic vibration or oscillation, ticking away each 1/9 billionth of a second.
  • The heart's beat, marking life with every systole and diastole, every second.
  • Our breath, drawing in life and releasing it in a four-second rhythm.
  • The Earth's rotation in relation to the sun, defining our days every 24 hours.
  • The moon's journey around the Earth, shaping the female lunar cycle every 28 days.
  • Our annual voyage around the sun, crafting years every 365 days.
  • And the overarching cycle of life itself, from birth to death.

These cycles are layers upon layers, scales within scales, shaping our existence in the eternal now. From the atomic to the cosmic, they’re the heartbeat of the universe, the underlying rhythm of life. It’s a symphony where the Earth's ceaseless dance, the planets' transits, and the simple act of breathing all play their part.

Yet, amidst the hustle of modern life, it's easy to forget we're inherently cyclical beings, part of a grander, interconnected rhythm. From the atomic to the celestial, cycles are the essence of existence, sustaining life, dictating the tempo of activity and rest, and defining our very being in the cosmos.

In recognizing these cycles, we see the blueprint of life itself, an invitation to align more closely with the natural world and its rhythms, acknowledging that we, too, are cyclical beings, dancing to the same universal beat.

As creators seeking harmony, we must flow with cycles - not against them.

🪐 The Anatomy of Cycles

To flow with cycles, we must first understand what they are.

Each cycle is a dynamic interplay between poles and phases, which forms the foundation of change, balance, and progression in both the natural world and our individual experiences.

At the core of every cycle lie its phases, each distinguished by a unique energy and intention, anchored to critical points known as poles. These poles serve as more than just opposites; they are complementary forces that together define the entire cycle.

The concept of dualities, exemplified by the Yin and Yang, captures the essence of these complementary forces. Each side of the duality is indispensable, with one requiring the other for its existence, thereby fostering a dynamic equilibrium that shifts and evolves through the various phases of the cycle.

The universe's rhythm, mirrored in the expansion and contraction of everything from galaxies to our own heartbeats, is a testament to this principle.

In delving into the anatomy of cycles, we uncover a template that invites us to align more closely with the rhythms of the natural world. Recognizing and embracing the dance between poles and phases enables us to see beyond the surface, to the deeper connections that bind us to the cosmos and to each other.

As we navigate through our lives, the awareness of these cycles and the forces that drive them offers a pathway to harmony. It's a journey of continuous discovery, learning to move with the cycles that shape our world, finding our place in this melody of existence.

🌕 Engaging with Our Cyclical Nature

Imagine the shift in energy if, instead of ushering in all of our new beginnings amidst winter's depth (New Years), we welcomed it at spring's dawn, aligning our renewal with the earth's rebirth.

This thought alone challenges the rigidity of our societal constructs, urging us to question and realign with the natural world.

Our lives, intricately woven into the fabric of nature, are meant to dance to the rhythm of cycles—day and night, seasons changing, the ebb and flow of tidal waves. Yet, our constructed world often blinds us to this natural ballet, imposing a linear trajectory on inherently cyclical beings.

The modern narrative pushes us to defy these natural rhythms.

We light up our nights as if to hold back the dark, work in relentless loops, disconnected from the seasons that guide life outside our windows. This disconnection isn't just a denial of nature but a denial of our essence, leading to a disharmony that resonates through our collective experience.

But here lies our power: the structures that confine us are of our own making, born from ideas that once didn't exist. Recognizing this, we understand that we are not just inhabitants of this world but its architects. We have the capacity to envision and manifest a reality that honors our cyclical nature.

The world as designed today often overlooks the fundamental cycles that define existence—the female's synchronization with both the sun and moon, the natural world's adherence to rhythms far older than any calendar.

This oversight is a call to action.

🚲 A Call to Cyclical Creation

It's time to look beyond the constraints of current designs, to reimagine a world that moves in harmony with the cycles that sustain it. As creators, we hold the potential to bring forth new ideas, to challenge the status quo, and to design a life that truly reflects the cyclical beings we are.

Let this be our collective endeavor: to align with the rhythms of nature. To recognize the phases of the moon, the turn of the seasons, and the cycles of life as more than mere backdrops to our human experience but as essential guides on our journey.

In doing so, we reclaim a piece of ourselves long forgotten. We learn to flow with cycles, embracing each phase with intention and respect, and in turn, we nurture balance, ignite creativity, and cultivate true wellness.

We must intentionally design our existence to harmonize with the cyclical nature that envelops us, mirroring the care we take in crafting remarkable products.

Reflection & Action:

  1. 🔍 Identify Disconnection: Where in your life are you overlooking the natural cycles? Consider your daily routines, work habits, and even leisure activities. How might they be out of sync with the natural rhythms of day and night, the changing seasons, or even the lunar cycles?
  2. 🔍 Envision Synchronized Living: Envision a life that honors and aligns with these natural cycles. What changes in your daily schedule, personal habits, or environment would support this alignment? How can you incorporate the cycles of activity and rest, expansion and contraction, into your life's design?
  3. 🔍 Recognize Ignored Cycles: Reflect on the cycles you've been neglecting. Is it the seasonal changes, the lunar phases, or perhaps the more profound cycles of life and renewal that escape your attention? Acknowledge these overlooked rhythms and consider how acknowledging them could enrich your life.

Feeling out of sync is a shared experience. It demands continuous effort to recalibrate our habits towards healthier, more harmonious outcomes, especially when facing the inertia of societal norms and the allure of modern conveniences.

This is the essence of Yin Yang Livin— for creators and entrepreneurs to bring harmony to the body and mind amidst the world's imbalance.

🦑 The Path Forward

Recognizing our cyclical nature is step one. The real magic happens when we allow this to guide our daily lives and creative endeavors.

Imagine redesigning your life, inspired by nature’s cycles.

This is about shedding societal constraints. It's an experiment in living, working, and creating in harmony with these cycles, tapping into the energy and insights they offer.

Our next edition focuses on using our aligning to our cyclical nature to fuel innovation and growth, evolving into better versions of ourselves and deepening our service to others.

It's about channeling this innate rhythm into everything we create, making our work resonate more profoundly with the world around us.

Before we meet again, take note of the cycles in your life. What aligns? What clashes? This awareness is key to harnessing our cyclical nature for a life that's not only in tune with the world but also enriches it.

Until next time, may your days be a testament to the power of living in tune with the natural rhythms that guide us all.

Thank you for being here.

Aho mitakuye oyasin,

Elijah 🌴

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