3 simple things to become more energy efficient

Greetings from Bali, Family!

We're back in Canggu, our old stomping grounds where we first met. It's been such a special time, filled with memories, adventures, and creativity.

We've launched our first round of Dharmic Design this month with some incredible entrepreneurs (and you probably haven't even heard about it - that's by design, will explain later ☺️), we're fine-tuning our new website with the design team to make it look flush, and we've now re-engaged with producing regular video content. On top of that, we've been surfing every morning, visiting different practitioners to get our bodies dialed in before trying to make a human, planning our wedding, planning our Costa Rica home, moving locations pretty frequently yet enjoying all of our time together.

Life is robust and beautiful.

Just a small update to provide the context and conditions that this message finds you from.

Now...stop leaking energy by ignoring process 💦

As we bring completion to this month’s mantra, "Bring Process to Purpose," I want to leave you with action items that can transform how you live your life and drive outcomes for those you serve.

Because at the end of the day, as Conscious Creators, we are acting in service.

A bad process does a deep disservice—it leads to energy leaks, taking on random client projects and gigs to make ends meet, and wallowing in the depths of energy inefficiency.

No more of that, you deserve better. Here are some things you can do.

3 Things You Can Do Today to Become More Energy Efficient 🔋

So to recap: purpose is our outcome; process is the steps we take to get there. For this last edition of this mantra, I want to provide you with three things that you can start doing right now to improve your workflows, drive more impact, and free up your time.

These steps are designed to help you create streamlined, efficient processes for you make more significant impact with less effort.

Map Your Processes 🔗

Start with clarity. Take any regular activity you do—from client services to daily routines—and map out every step. Whether you use software tools or even a simple pen and paper. This visual representation helps you identify redundancies, gaps, and opportunities for automation. By understanding the flow, you can streamline and often automate parts of your process, saving time and enhancing quality.

For this, we use: Whimsical; it's simple and free. Need I say more?

Implement Feedback Loops 🔁

Feedback is the most valuable currency for growth. Integrate regular feedback loops into your activities. This could be as simple as a weekly review of your tasks, or as structured as quarterly feedback sessions with clients or peers. For those of you who have taken part in Yin Yang Livin, you’d notice that we check-in throughout the protocol.

Feedback is crucial for iterative improvement and helps you stay aligned with the needs and expectations of those you serve. Make this a non-negotiable part of your process to ensure continuous growth and adaptation.

For this, we use: Tally; it’s flexible, intuitive, has many integration options and has a free version that you can use.

Leverage Generative AI 🤖

Embrace generative AI to optimize your processes.

So, what's generative AI? Well, AI has been around for ages, and we interact with it all the time—it's part of everything from our social media feeds to our wearable technology. Historically, much of AI has been predictive, using machine learning to anticipate what we might like to see or know, then serving up its best guess. But now, we have generative AI. This new wave allows us as creators to proactively harness AI and machine learning to craft and generate new content, whether it’s images, text, music, or something else entirely. It’s not just about predicting; it’s about creating.

Previously, us Creators had to built robust prompts to get GPTs to do what we wanted them to do; as of some months ago, we now have the ability to very easily create custom GPTs that specialize in certain topics or processes. With this, we now have the ability to build an army of digital assistants that can do a host of really incredible things.

At this stage, I've gotten so used to collaborating with these digital assistants that it's hard for me to imagine life and work without them.

This isn’t about replacing the human touch; it’s about enhancing your capabilities and allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

For this, we use: ChatGPT. There are other alternatives out there, but there's no disputing that OpenAI is leading the charge and ChatGPT is their flagship product. As a matter of fact, most generative AI tools that you see on the internet are using OpenAI's API (ok if you don't know what this means - when you go on your Dharmic Design journey, you will).

P.S. if you're one of those people that is anti-AI, I'm here to remind you: once the toothpaste is out of the tube, it doesn't go back in. Meaning that each human innovation and capability that we bring into fruition that brings benefits to people, doesn't go away, we instead learn how we integrate it into the human fabric. Technology alone is neutral - it's neither good nor bad, but it's how we humans utilize these tools that make all the difference. So generative AI is here to stay, get with it or fall behind - it's that simple.

Looking Ahead… 🌅

As we close this chapter on bringing process to purpose, remember that the goal is not just to work smarter but to create a framework that supports your ultimate aspirations.

These best practices require up-front investment, perhaps a bit of learning curve, but in regards to your future self and designing your dream life, will be well worth it. The best things for us require a bit of sacrifice don't they?

Thank you so much for being part of this journey. Appreciate each of you, and wishing you well in all of your creations and relations over the next two weeks until we meet again and bring a new mantra.


Elijah 🌴

P.S. We deeply appreciate any feedback you may have on our newsletter (it will take you just 1 minute), to help us continue to make it better for you.